Training for staff of four PHCs of Malur Taluk

Kalp Cancer Foundation conducted one day training program for the doctors and staff nurses of four Primary Health Centres of Malur Taluk on 16th December at Malur Taluk Hospital. The PHCs included for training program were Doddashivara, Masthi, Lakkur and Tekal. A total of 37 staff including PHC doctors participated in training. The three common cancers, Cevix, breast and oral were covered. The program started with introduction to cervical cancer by Dr Geeta. Dr Aruna explained cervical cancer screening in detail. Dr Ganesh spoke on breast cancer and screening of breast cancer. Oral cancer was covered by Dr Bhaskar. Dr Auradha, the Taluk Medical Officer of Malur and other staffs extended full cooperation to conduct this program. Mr. Rajanna of Kalp Cancer Foundation helped in organizing the event.